Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Concert report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Concert report - Assignment Example When I walked into the church there were a bunch of chairs directly in front of the stage for the audience, but there were also two rows of chairs on the stage. This was so when the group of performers finished their parts then they could take a rest over there and watch the solo parts of the concert. The audience extremely enjoyed the concert because the Avanti Chamber Singers put on a great show for everyone. This concert was very special for me because it was the first time that I was privileged enough to hear a choir live. Throughout the first half of the program, I would have to say that three songs stood out to me, and all of them were composed by the Brock professor Matthew Therrien. The piece, titled "Requiem," created a warm and sweet image in my mind. The sounds of the violin and piano provided wonderful background music and made me really comfortable. When the female voice came in, I felt like many angels were singing the song at that moment. After the intermission, I would have to say that my most favorite piece was "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot." The reason is that it was one of the very few that I had already heard before that night. This song invoked a range of emotions for me, but I guess I enjoyed the deepness of the voices. It gave me a feeling like I was in church or something because it felt like there was power in the air. Although the song was repetitive in a way, I liked that the choir changed key for each new chorus so that it provided a new sound. The song is very old yet it is still powerful today, and I think that this shows the songs popularity too. This song would have to be my favorite of the night because I could just not resist getting up and clapping in time with the beat. If I had to choose one song for a movie sound track, then it would have to be "Aint Got Time to Die" by Hall Johnson. This song made a real impact on me because it gives hope where there does not seem to be any. I would use in a

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

E-learning as a Tool for Human Resource Management Essay

E-learning as a Tool for Human Resource Management - Essay Example But it really is the HR manager himself, who needs all these knowledge vis--vis his role of retaining all these bright employees and stemming the tide of employee dissatisfaction in the sphere of compensation, job motivation and morale. He must be constantly updated with all the latest techniques. He needs retraining himself in interpersonal and leadership skills and must bone up on actual case studies in order to learn from the failings or success of others and must improve his communication skills and find the possible causes for high turnover rates, if such is presently bedeviling the corporation itself. The heaviest load thrown in his shoulders, however, is the maximisation of employee performance. And this can be done by a sound and efficient organisation that keeps "all programs and initiatives aligned to a framework of increased performance" (Stockley 2005, p.1). Literature Review Many authors of HRM literature point out to e-learning as the panacea to all the above problems . Human resource management, itself is defined as "a set of interdependent personnel policies to maximise 4 objectives: organisational integration, employee commitment, flexibility and quality" (Clark 1993, p.3). E-learning, meanwhile, is defined as "learning facilitated and supported through the use of information and communications technology" (Lingham 2008, p.1). It is also "the "use of the internet or an organizational intranet to conduct training on-line". By intranet, he is referring to a... This essay stresses that HRM must deal with this aspect in conjunction with its traditional roles of recruitment, training, performance appraisal and salary administration. This paper declares that e-learning, meanwhile, is defined as â€Å"learning facilitated and supported through the use of information and communications technology†. It is also â€Å"the â€Å"use of the internet or an organizational intranet to conduct training on-line†. By intranet, he is referring to a â€Å"private organizational network behind firewall software that restricts access to authorised users, including employees participating in learning†. This is more germane to my proposal of the setting up of e-learning in banks and making it an effective tool for HRM. Today’s literature is replete with enthusiasm about this modern literacy that is permeating practically all facets of society. It is called a â€Å"technological revolution that is bringing democratic changes to our society† and describes how the US Education Department and independent research institutes and universities consider the urgency of the implementation to maximise the u se of e-learning in their organisations. E-learning since the last decades has already gained foothold in homes and thus virtually everybody is acquainted with it as people communicate with friends or loved ones through the internet or by e-mail. So it is not beyond comprehension that this could have myriads of uses and could be useful as tool for human resource management, specifically in banks.